28 April 1970* (1128-A) Black Panthers

KGB to Central Committee. Soviet support for “Black Panthers”, both in USA and through contacts in African countries, as a means of distracting the US administration (2 pp). [Russian: 28 April 1970 – 1128-A]


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Top Secret

USSR Committee for State Security [KGB]
of the USSR Council of Ministers

28 April 1970
No. 1128-A


To the CPSU Central Committee

In recent times the radical negro organization “Black Panthers” has been subjected to harsh repression by the US authorities headed by the FBI, who consider that the “Black Panthers” pose a serious threat to national security. Police provocations and trials of “Black Panthers”, the broad coverage of the terrorist actions of the authorities against the activists of this organization, have resulted in a significant growth of the “Black Panthers'” prestige in progressive circles in the US.

In view of the circumstance that the “Black Panthers” are a dynamic negro organization which poses a serious threat to America’s ruling classes, the Communist Party of the USA is attempting to influence the organization in the necessary direction. This policy of the CP is already yielding positive results. There is a discernible tendency among the “Black Panthers” to increase cooperation with progressive organizations which are opposed to the existing system in the USA.

Because the rise of negro protest in the USA will bring definite difficulties to the ruling classes of the USA and will distract the attention of the Nixon administration from pursuing an active foreign policy, we would consider it feasible to implement a number of measures to support this movement and to assist its growth.

Therefore it is recommended to utilize the assets of the KGB in African countries to inspire political and public figures, youth, trade union and nationalist organizations to issue petitions, requests and statements to the UN, US embassies in their countries and the US government in defence of the rights of American negroes. To publish articles and letters accusing the US government of genocide in the press of various African countries. Employing the possibilities of the KGB in New York and Washington, to influence the “Black Panthers” to address appeals to the UN and other international bodies for assistance in bringing the US government’s policy of genocide toward American negroes to an end.


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It is probable that by carrying out the above-mentioned measures it will be possible to mobilize public opinion in the US and in third countries in support of the rights of American negroes and thereby stimulate the “Black Panthers” into further activation of their struggle.

We request authorization.






1. Notes and additions by translator and editor are bracketed, thus [ ];
2. Text added by hand is indicated in italic script;
3. when a handwritten phrase, figure or word has been inserted
in a previously typed document it is indicated by underlined italic script.

Translation, PS